Hair loss can be due to stress ,
family history (heredity ) , hormonal imbalance etc. seeing yourself losing
hair on a daily basis can be very saddening. Hair loss not only takes a toll on
your physical body but also affects your confidence. We at our clinic provide
the best remedies for hairloss, recognizing the root cause for your problem and
recommending the best possible treatment.
Run your fingers through your scalp , do you see a lot of hair strangled between your fingers ? Hair fall is natural as you cells grow. On an average, naturally every person loses around 100 strands a day. this is not noticeable because new strands of hair replaces the old ones.
Extensive hair fall is a sign of unhealthy
lifestlye. Hair loss is most common on the scalp but it can happen anywhere on
your body.
There are different types of hair
loss like gradual thinning of top head ,
patchy spots , sudden loss of hair, full body hair loss and patches scaling all
of the scalp.
The most common reasons for hair
loss is
1. Stress - Stress is a mental
phenomena that affects your physical health on a larger scale , stress not only
affects your hair pattern but also affects other parts of your body like your
2. Unhealthy eating habits : you are
what you eat. Most of hair problems occur due to unhealthy eating habits and
lack of hydration
3 Hormonal imbalance : Most of these reasons are interlinked to each
other. Hormonal imbalance are again caused due to habits and supplements
4. Medication and supplements : Medication and supplements take a toll. It
all depends on how your body reacts to these chemicals.
5. Hair treatments : hair treatments
like keratin treatments and hair colouring etc can also affect your hair loss
6. Other factors are age and loss of
Most of the types of hair fall are
temporary and are curable. but the question is when to approach a doctor ? If
you see sudden patches of baldness over your scalp , sudden increase in the
loss of hair when you brush your hair, increase in hairfall when you wash your
hair , then you should opt for treatment.
Contact us for the best and safe treatment for your hair loss